Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rob, Crystal and Samantha came for a visit on the weekend.  We drove up to Waterton on Sunday afternoon.  I love going to the mountains and smelling the fresh  mountain air and taking in the beautiful scenery all around me.  Samantha and I went for a walk along the path and played in a little stream  up at Red Rock while Rob and Crystal were taking pictures.  Audrey went with us and enjoyed the drive and sitting on a rock  enjoying the sunshine.  It was a beautiful day. 

On the ride up to Red Rock we saw a bear cub  with the mother bear down in a valley from the top of the hill along side the road.
The little stream that Samantha and I played in. 

1 comment:

  1. It was a good trip. So glad we made time to go while we were there.
