Saturday, March 5, 2011

Feel Happier

I don't know about you but I am getting a little tired of all this cold weather.  I read this magazine article on 21 ways to feel happier in a flash. Here are some tips to feel happier.
1.  Change your computer wallpaper
2.  Yawn
3.  Get a whiff of vanilla (Not drink it!!!)
4.  Brush your hair upside down
5.  Sing an inspirational tune
6.  Do a loved one's chore
7.  Fill your hot water bottle
8.  Eat 3 Brazil nuts
9.  Walk, around the block (yes, that really does work)
10.  Brighten up your favorite rooms
11.  Serve up spuds (In Rod's case just have spuds for supper!)
12.  Warm some cider
13.  Head to church first
14.  Try salsa dancing (or Zumba dancing)
15.  Hold your head high
16.  Munch on popcorn
17. Block out nuisance noise
18.  Rearrange your junk drawer
19.  Give meals a fiery kick
20.  Switch to fragrant soap
21.  Turn in by this time ( In other words - go to bed before 11:00 p.m.)


  1. Those sound great! I like how they're all ways to be happy without eating a whole bunch of ice cream or brownies something like that! :)

  2. What a great list, I think I like the spuds idea.

  3. Thanks for the list! This will help me out for the next week 'til things get more balanced here at home.
