Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Lap-top Computer

Audrey, Rod and I received a new lap-top computer to use for the next year from the senior group that we belong to.  I took the computer down to Audrey's home last night and gave her a lesson on how to start the computer  and how to  work the mouse and the key pad.  I am still trying  to figure out the key board myself  as it is a little different than my desk-top keyboard.  We didn't have very good Internet connection last night at Audrey's but I will try again later on tonight.  I believe that the purpose of receiving new computers is to get more seniors using computers and the new technologies that are coming out.

1 comment:

  1. Plus, with the laptop, she can keep up with everyone better.

    If your weather is anything like ours right now, that would not help out, I am sure. We could also look at moving the router to the bedroom windowsill next time Mar/Lindsey/or us are around. Mar did say it was something that may need to happen when we took her laptop down over Christmas.
